by Religion Communicators Council | Jan 3, 2020 | Newsroom
Find commonalities, then go deeper and understand our differences By Nadine L. Monn Dr. Deanna Ferree Womack leads plenary (photo by George Conklin) Reflect for a moment on the term “interreligious communication.” What role does a communicator play in...
by Religion Communicators Council | Jan 3, 2020 | Newsroom
Faith groups should raise awareness of climate change, say activists By Solange De Santis, Editor, Episcopal Journal Reprinted with permission from the February 2016 Episcopal Journal The Rev. Pat Watkins, left, and the Rev. Kathleen Stone, both of the United...
by Religion Communicators Council | Jan 3, 2020 | Newsroom, Washington DC Chapter
D.C. Chapter meets at National Press Club The Washington, D.C. chapter of the Religion Communicators Council held their January 2018 meeting at the National Press Club. RCC members had lunch at The Reliable Source restaurant and toured the storied building, which...
by Religion Communicators Council | Jan 3, 2020 | Newsroom
Atlanta in Spring! REGISTER NOW! Register online. Important: March 13th is Early Bird deadline (get the lowest registration rate of $395) and hotel room cut off. Thursday highlight: Black History tour – Free! Plan to arrive Wednesday night, April 4 and...
by Religion Communicators Council | Jan 3, 2020 | Newsroom
2018 DeRose-Hinkhouse Awards – 5 days until the EXTENDED deadline – 3PM Wed, January 24 Extended time to enter your work in the DeRose-Hinkhouse Awards. Make sure to renew your RCC membership and guarantee your eligibility for the DeRose-Hinkhouse Awards...
by Religion Communicators Council | Nov 11, 2019 | Newsroom
Telling long-term stories that matter By Candice Johnson Sarah Pulliam Bailey at New York Chapter RCC, March 2018 On Tuesday March 21st, the New York City chapter of the RCC met at the Church Pension Group for its monthly lunch meeting. This month’s speaker was...